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The weather and me, a humbling writing prompt

Weather events can humble us, with a reminder that we are powerful except when we are not. When the Sisters’ Writing Club (see my March 2019 prompt for an intro to the SWC) tackled this one, we covered a Nor’easter that threatened a long-planned meeting with Hillary, a hurricane watched from afar, a six-hour trip that should have take 50 minutes but for a rogue snowstorm, and a harrowing winter trying to keep a car name Monster alive. See what it brings up for you.

The prompt: Write about an encounter with the weather, one that that thwarted you, or delighted you, or terrified you. I’ll bet you’ll have several to choose from. I had to pick between my hurricane, my husband’s tornado, the thunderstorms from my grandparents’ porch on the river, and the sunburns of my youth. Think about why that event stays with you, what you learned, what you’d like to see again.

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